"Robotic Future" Creepypasta by RuckusQuantum
Our world was completely hi-tech at the utmost level. For countless of generations, us humans dreamed, invented, and used all kinds of futuristic mechanisms, guaranteeing we were technologically parallel with the extra-terrestrials. Everything would be done in its simplest and most modern methods. There would be no existing human maids, postmen, waiters, technicians, engineers, architects, and so on; all human public servants were replaced or supervised by these machines called “Necro-pollants”. The Necro-pollants were developed by a non-government organization, specifically a group of scientists, technicians, architects, engineers, chemists, and robotics profession also.
These machines were like real human beings, except they contained nails, gears, knots, and all other sorts of non-living fragments inside them; basically, they were not like us, their external appearance were just based on our physical preferences. They were psychologically capable of handling multiple emotions and had the ability to reenact humans' feelings. Robots, for couple of decades, were plated with steel and iron, but these robots were completely different, and "totally unique" as people commonly described. They had outer skins crafted with the toughest tiger hides, strengthened with multiple layers of organic fiber, then painted and re-textured to look and feel exactly like human skin. Just like most electricity-consuming machines, they also need fuel to make themselves function, and used for several purposes. With the use of bio-fuel, they would become hyperactive and would do everything you asked; they would not quiet down unless you commanded them to do so. Materials used to formulate the bio-fuel, dead oak tree leaves, intestinal waste, and an unknown rare foreign material.
After 10 years of exerting maximum efforts, hard work, and dedication in improving mankind's life, they ended up swimming in olympic-sized pools of cash, metaphorically. In governance of Dr. Gregory Spielberg and Engr. John Spackler, the team barely put the finishing touches on the last stage of the robots' creation, the duplication process. It was the most complex and most expensive part of the development. Though it was affirmed to be the easiest way to create hundreds of thousands of them, it was the priciest and most time-consuming technique. Massive deduction and experimentation were required to overpass the expected standards for their machine, as because of that, they chose the nickname "The Future Changer."
"This machine will definitely change the future! You just need one click, and sit there, relax, and watch your robot as it do what you must be doing that time." Dr. Spielberg answered confidently, while being interviewed by the international press.
In the year 2108, Spielberg and Spackler's team decided to sell their first and perhaps the last product of their pains to the government for 800,000,000 dollars. The government officials, including the president of nations, didn't hesitate to buy the amazingly useful robots, since it's for their own good and also for their people's delight. After the high-priced purchase, the government decided to give it away to the global citizen for free. People had suspicions about the organization, if they had plans of hurting anyone, destroying anything, or organizing something heinous, but soon vanished like bubbles after several years of proving they weren't planning anything but delivering assistance.
Ten years after the initial purchase, nothing bad ever happened. Those robots continued to give their owners good services. For informational purposes, The government set off a one-month census asking users how useful was these robots to them. A total of 100,000,000 people joined, half of them from Far Eastern countries and split half of them from the West. Out of 100,000,000 participants, 2,000 of them whined about their robots being violent. Out of that two thousand, two user reports arose, stating how these robots fed their personal bloodlust. Most people didn't believed the impossible-looking story, but also some can relate to them.
- Report 1: It was, maybe two days ago, when I saw my robot horrendously murdering a stray dog in my backyard with a garden scissor. Because of my brimming anger, also disgust, I threw a large piece of stone towards that fucking robot. I regretted ever doing that. In return, which was karma, the robot tossed back the poor dog's arm to me. My body was painted with blood. I don't want to see that robot again in my whole life, I swear! I'm in trauma, and I don't want to aggravate my current situation. Such a big disappointment!
- Report 2: Don't get me wrong, but with my own two eyes, I saw my robot eating a live chicken! It sluggishly tore the chicken apart and ate it whole. I don't know, but they are robots, right? Then why would they eat meat, live and freshly-chopped meat? When I saw that, I swiftly clutched my son's baseball bat from the wall, smashed that piece of shit into pieces, and dumped it in the garbage can. That's whats that thing deserve after eating our livestock.
“We already took some robots for inspection. We will report the issues as soon as we finish the process.” Spackler's confident respond, as being questioned by the global press.
20 years after the initial purchase, more reports regarding about the robots' bloodthirstiness had been reported. As time goes on, the savaging robots continued to increase in numbers. In time lapse of three days, 50,000 evil robots quickly rose to 200,000. Commentaries' flow resumed constantly, and the government was getting “mad” at mad people, which was frequently pigeon-holed as “prejudice” and “unreasonable”.
30 years after the initial purchase, half of the robots' population already turned into a monster. More animal casualties had been reported, and it's not interrupting; the administration had been receiving information all-day and all-night.
“This thing must be put to an end! Due to that, we had already talk about the safety, with the other presidents. We will send military troops all over the globe to guard these robots' behavior. Inconsistency will be treated with such swift justice; if a robot is found anomalous, they will be executed to prevent further damage.” President Willard F. Jackson of America heated up the interview with a banging reply.
Acting at the critical international issue, national governments deported army squads to scrutinize, or if ever do happen, destroy robots who performed mistreatment against any living creature.
32 years after the initial purchase, the very first human casualty had been reported exactly July 15, 3:04:36 PM by an unknown person, also referred as a concerned person. The victim, who was named [classified] had been found lifeless in her kitchen. Based on the autopsy reports, a wound with the length of one foot, depth of one-and-a-half feet, has been found decomposing on the victim's abdomen; only kitchen knives could induce a wound that big towards a physical body. The killer robot's location remained a big question mark in people's mind, until it was soon discovered malfunctioning in the victim's house's attic.
“We found the reason of the robots' root of malignant dysfunction. A small “nano-being” has been recovered in the robots' internal system. Basically, the nano-being controls the robot, allowing it do brutal things. I will answer your possible question, we have no idea who put it there.” Paul Rodriguez, organization's head technician, reported to the global press.
40 years after the initial purchase, human casualty counts continuously rise and remained constant for a long time. Death counts inflated to 20,000 from before 10,000 in just seven days. Overflowing anger overpowered the affected citizens; a world-wide rally had been launched to force the government to annihilate the robots. Peaceful rally demonstrations were not enough. People finally agreed to use force; a large-scale riot persuasively revolutionized the entire world within few hours.
Raging fire scorched many buildings. People demolished government buildings to show their anger at the government for not doing the things they should do to protect people; they were not contented. They fought with the police in attempt to get inside the White House, but soon failed due to lack of strength to counter-attack the police. Hostile people fighting for justice kept on shouting highly-offensive verbs, not gratified with the loud yells, they fired rapid bullets to the atmosphere.
The world was blazing hot on fire.
“We are doing everything we can do! We can't think of any idea to help you more. I hope you people will understand while I'm saying. Is killing the aggressive machines not enough to content yourselves? I just don't understand. We shall do everything we can!” President Jackson fired up violent words to the press and people in anger.
While the world was shining ablaze, all of the robots suddenly malfunctioned once and for all. As quick as millisecond, the robots ascended from the ground after falling in such a speedy pace. They started to attack unaware people with their bare arms or weapons, exposing the people in danger. Every robot at least killed one human. Because of their weapons, humans were left powerless, unable to resist the power of furious robots.
41 years after the initial purchase, those machines mutated the ability to replicate themselves. One grew to another one, two grew to another two, three grew to another three, four grew to another four, and so on. One day was enough for them to produce million copies of themselves. That basically meant, if one robot had millions of clones, there were 500,000 robots created in total, if multiplied, they had a total 5 billion (5,000,000,000) robots, almost equivalent with mankind's total population.
“These robots are uncontrollable! I'm afraid we are unable to stop them. We just found out that this nano-beings can regenerate another of itself. It also can be transferred through air, its airborne capabilities were able to infect other robots. So that means, all robot s are all evil! Just a note, we are not responsible for any damages caused by these robots. We even don't have ideas how it got there.” Spielberg worriedly replied to the global press.
45 years after the initial purchase, the 5-year long riot had ceased, but a new fear heightened the senses of humans. The fear of annihilation. The robots metamorphosed themselves to a man-eating mechanisms, teared defenseless humans to chunks and devoured the remains like a piece of freshly-cooked steak.
“I have to say this, but this is the horrible truth. All nations' military units had been exterminated by the robots. The armies' forces were not enough to even slow them down. If this continue, mankind will surely be gone. And no one wants that to happen of course. All that are standing strong are the government, press, and us people. I request you to kill robots individually. Even we have a low chance of survival, we must try at least.” Jackson's inspiring but hopeless suggestion to people.
50 years after the initial purchase, half of earth's inhabitants were destroyed by the ravaging robots. Those piece of mechanical structures farmed and savored humans' lives for an unidentified reason. The streets of the world overfilled with tears and blood; evidences of robots' hunger for human meat stood around still. Incomplete human bodies, severed corpses, unattached limbs, and crimson blood splattered along the pavement and walls, it was the only visible proof.
“All of my group-mates were killed by our creation. It's my job to investigate the current situation. I personally killed a robot and took it to our laboratory. I opened its stomach and found the terrifying future of our lives. The nano-being that my friend told before was in its stomach, consuming all human meat the robot may eat. I researched everything about it, but I still found any information out there where these things came from. All I know, is the nano-being's purpose is not predation, but mainly obliteration of our master race, because these nano-beings don't seem to feed themselves.” The organization's only living member, Daniel Kirk McArthur revealed to the only remaining press, and of course to the people of world full of despair.
Mankind's faithful fate vanished like a bubble. The dark shadows of future suddenly turned the world darkly hopeless. They would soon die, and the entire human race would be erased from map.
All humans decided to pray to God, hoping they can be saved by Him, but all expectations fell to the same expected fate. God decided the world's fate.
As the robots' devoured all humans, people started to kill themselves, without any desperation for survival or life. Some shot themselves to the brain or to the heart; others' had different methods of punishing themselves altogether. As the sharp knife pierced mans' heart, blood profusely flowed through the deep scar. Too much blood loss and brimming pain killed all doers in a flash. Pills were rolling loose above the table; man grabs the multiple pieces of pills and drank it for a quick single time. Visions started to distort, and menacing headache attacked people's mind. Insanity slowly took people's lives, and merged into a deep non-existence state, after the last insane human died after several weeks of painful suffering.
When the last surviving man hid inside his ragged cabin shelter, that seemed to be permanent, the life outside the worn-out wooden walls departed, either to Heaven or Hell.
The last living human wrote down the terrifying tale of extinction in his laptop, although he's aware it won't be seen by people; about to grab the pistol from his backpack, he started to play a song in his phone; a song he could relate to. He sang his whole heart out aloud, then pointed the gun's tip to his right temple.
When our lives are over, and all that remains;
Are our skulls and bones, let's take it to the grave,
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms;
I'll be buried here with you,
And I'll hold in these hands, all that remains.
A loud bang alarmed the crows hanging on the tree's thin branches, and forced to open their wide black wings and fly away, as they were dreadfully disturbed by the thunderous sound.Template:By-user
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